Brandon Pettus - Vocalist / Producer
Thomas Karas - Producer / Engineer
Daniel Marmolejos - Producer / Drummer
Formed in New York, AFK blends together experimental hip-hop, industrial, electronic, and punk to bring a sound that’s bombastic, aggressive, unforgiving, despondent, but most importantly honest—a fusion that has been shaking up the NYC underground upon their arrival.
Hailing from various places throughout the Hudson Valley—typically known for its “quiet slow-paced beauty”, the reclusive trio shared a disappointment in the areas lack of movement or musical identity and found solace and an inexplicable chemistry within one another through eclectic tastes of obscure media, underground music, video games, shared frustrations about reality, and a burning desire to do something new and groundbreaking.
The trio continue to turn up the intensity of their sound with their live set, flipping the traditional structures of these songs on their heads with added explosive but precise drumming from Daniel Marmolejos, unhinged animalistic energy and live sampling from Thomas Karas, and Brandon Pettus amidst all this chaos seamlessly finds a home through the barrage and dances across the instrumentals with dizzying flows and verbose lyrics often reflecting society’s grotesque relationship with technology and forlorn depictions of the human psyche.
Together these three share a telepathic relationship on stage, bouncing ideas off one another in a seemingly improvisational but calculated way. If you’ve never seen AFK live, they will make sure that they are heard loud and clearly, demanding your attention and participation without once ever asking for it.